Tangled Thoughts

Thoughts, Tips and Inspiration!

Tag: Brioche

A close up on the spine and border of a cowlette knit in purple yarn with two brioche patterns and two slipped stitch bands


I’ve been really wanting to use brioche again in a design and I also wanted a small project that was quick to knit because I have a shawl design on

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Swirling Cowl

A quick one this week because I’m running behind! This is an idea I’ve been working on, or at least thinking about, for two years. When I originally worked on

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Honey and Wool

When I started this design, it was just meant to be a cowlette. I wanted something that would be quick to design, quick to knit and quickly let me move

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A mannequin displaying a short brioche cowl in grey and white with a owl pattern

Cailleach-Oidhche – The Owl Cowl

Cailleach-Oidhche means owl, although it translates literally from Scottish Gaelic as “old woman (or hag) of the night”! Isn’t that a beautifully descriptive name for them? As soon as I

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About Me

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I’m Liz and I'm a Scottish Knitwear designer! I design and write knitting patterns for accessories, produce tutorials and write about what I do!

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Handy Tips

Shoormil – Yardage Calculator

I’m going to preface this by saying that there is no pattern support for the spreadsheet. If you follow the instructions on the spreadsheet you

Notions pouches, tape measure, scissors, scrap yarn and a selection of stitch markers

Notions About Notions

I saw a post on Twitter a couple of weeks ago, about a knitter who had gone on a cruise and only realised once she

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