Reusable Face Scrubs

I know that I’m not alone in trying to reduce the amount of waste I produce. The bathroom is one of the main places I’ve tackled, and I have a lot of leftover cotton sitting in my stash so I thought I’d make it into some face pads! I much prefer crocheting with cotton over knitting with it, so these are all crochet patterns. They’re all free, and with one exception they’re all available on blogs, rather than Ravelry. I’ve disregarded all yarn and gauge details from these and made them up using DK cotton from my stash (mostly Drops Paris and Scheepjes Cahlista) and a 4.5 mm hook because that’s the size I like best for DK yarn!

No. 1 is the Floret Face Pad by Johanna Lindahl. I love the petals and the puffs on this one!

No. 2 is the Reusable Crochet Face Scrubbies from Domestic Bliss. This one works up really quickly, and is pretty much the perfect size!

No. 3 is the Sakura Face Scrubbies by Krisztina Anna Matejcsok-Edomer. This one is a great flower shape and I love the texture the front post stitches bring to the pad!

No. 4 is the Simple Scrubby by Kristy Ashmore. This one is only available as a Ravelry pdf – it’s really similar to number 2 though if you can’t get on to download it.

No. 5 is the Easy Face Scrubbies by Amy Ramnarine. I love the puff stitches around the edge of this one.

No. 6 is the Make-up Remover Pads by Helda Panagary. The pattern is very similar to numbers 2 and 4, just a little bit more fiddly and bigger!

No. 7 is the Seeing Spirals Face Scrubby by Lindsey Dale. Crocheting in the third loop was a new technique for me and this was a great fun way to learn it – it ended up a bit smaller than I’d have preferred and that was after I’d added an extra round! This one is more towards the exfoliating end of the scale than I’d have preferred.

No. 8 is Face Scrubbies by To Craft A Home. This one is super simple, but again came out a bit small for me but it’s really quick to make up.

No. 9 is the Octagon Star Face Scrubbie by Krisztina Anna Matejcsok-Edomer. I love the look of this one, but I found the puff stitches fiddly and there were a lot of front post stitches that slowed things down – it’s a great pattern though, especially if you have a little more patience than me!

No. 10 is the Flower Face Scrubby by Sarah Gross. This was another gorgeous quick pattern – it’s only got three rounds – it just ended up a little on the small side for me!

Have fun!


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I’m Liz and I'm a Scottish Knitwear designer! I design and write knitting patterns for accessories, produce tutorials and write about what I do!

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