Buain – Harvest Time!

Meet Buain – it means harvest in Scottish Gaelic and is the third pattern in my Four Seasons of Socks collection. Buain has been one of my trickiest sock patterns to design so far! The sock itself isn’t complicated at all, but it took me so many tries to get the right position and type of increases and decreases to get it looking neat and perfect! 

I don’t want to dwell too much on Ravelry here (if you’d like to read my thoughts and feelings, check out my Ravelry and Accessibility and Disentangling from Ravelry posts) but I want to tell you a little about my plans going forwards as they apply to my Four Seasons of Socks collection. I am working to build up my business outside Ravelry, with the intention of removing my patterns for sale in 2021. I will continue to update and sell patterns through Ravelry until December, but I will not be posting direct links to the Ravelry pattern pages as I don’t want to accidentally cause harm to any of you, who gets migraines (or worse, seizures) from the new look site. I will continue to update Four Seasons of Socks on Ravelry – if you’ve already bought it on there, don’t worry, you will get your patterns! You can also continue to buy it a pattern at a time if you wish. For now, I’m also offering to send any patterns you buy on my website to your Ravelry library (just leave your username at the checkout).

If you are unable to use Ravelry anymore and need help retrieving patterns you’ve bought from me, please do email me, and I’ll send them to you. If you’ve bought any of the other patterns in my Four Seasons of Socks collection through Ravelry, and are unable (or don’t want to) use the site to buy the rest, please send me an email, and I’ll sort you out with a discount code for my website for the amount you’ve already paid!

If you want to find out what I’m up to between blog posts you can keep an eye on what I’m up to on Instagram! If you’d like an exclusive 40% discount on future releases sign up to my newsletter – I only send out emails when I release a new pattern or am having a sale, so usually, you’ll only hear from me about once a month.


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I’m Liz and I'm a Scottish Knitwear designer! I design and write knitting patterns for accessories, produce tutorials and write about what I do!

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