Lùbach – Meandering To and Fro

A blue fingerless mitt with a cable pattern travelling diagonally across the back of the hand, with the thumb tucked into the pocket of a pair of jeansLùbach wasn’t in my plans for this year. After Dealas my next pattern was supposed to be a Brioche cowl (as I told my newsletter subscribers). Things didn’t go to plan with the Brioche cowl though, and I had to redesign it a couple of times until I was happy with what I had. As my next planned release date grew closer I knew there was no way I was going to make it in time – nevermind giving my testers enough time to knit it! So I came up with a new plan and Lùbach was the answer!

I love designing mitts – small, quick, and gorgeous. The back of the hand is a blank canvas where I can paint a pattern – cables, texture, whatever strikes my fancy! For Lùbach I chose this gorgeous little cable. I love how the slipped stitches create an extra little bend in the cable, and it reminded me of a river slowly winding its way through a valley. This gorgeous blue yarn (Millpond) from Eden Cottage Yarns was the obvious choice from what I currently had on hand – it is (of course) Hayton 4ply again! A little bit of tweaking to fit the cable for each size of the mitts and it was ready!

A blue fingerless mitt with a cable pattern travelling diagonally across the back of the hand, with the hand holding a tree branchMy husband had a lot of fun doing the photoshoot for these too making me hold on to branches and in one case, hang underneath the branch! Isn’t this ivy gorgeous? When I saw it growing up the tree we had chosen I insisted in trying to get it into some of the shots!

If you want to find out what I’m up to between blog posts you can keep an eye on what I’m up to on Instagram! If you’d like an exclusive 40% discount on future releases sign up to my newsletter – I only send out emails when I release a new pattern or am having a sale, so generally you’ll only hear from me about once a month.


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I’m Liz and I'm a Scottish Knitwear designer! I design and write knitting patterns for accessories, produce tutorials and write about what I do!

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