Dealas – Committed

Fingerless mitts knit in pink yarn with a textured pattern travelling diagonally across the back of each hand.It’s about time for a new fingerless mitts pattern, isn’t it? I’m now spending a lot of time standing around in the playground waiting for the bell to ring – either to drop my son off or to pick him up — and it’s definitely getting colder out there! The Socks in Love collection may be complete, but I clearly wasn’t done with that gorgeous stitch yet because the next thing to hop onto my needles used the same stitch! Dealas means commitment and is the perfect companion to the collection or the perfect stand-alone piece if socks aren’t your thing!

These had a super easy design journey which of course doesn’t leave me much to talk about! The yarn I used was Eden Cottage Yarns Hayton 4ply – it’s my absolute favourite yarn for mitts. The cashmere makes it deliciously soft, and the nylon means it can stand up to wear. Victoria very kindly put on a special Hayton 4 ply update last night for me, and there’s still plenty of gorgeous colours left! Hop over to the link and see if anything takes your fancy. If you’d like to recreate mine, I used her Briar Rose colourway.

I had a fantastic day away at Perth Festival of Yarn last week, met some really lovely people and friends, listened to Jeanette Sloan’s talk on BIPOC Representation in the Knitting Community, and stocked up on plenty of yarn for the designs I have planned over the next few months, as well as a project bag and a few other extras!

If you want to find out what I’m up to between blog posts you can keep an eye on what I’m up to on Instagram! If you’d like an exclusive 40% discount on future releases sign up to my newsletter – I only send out emails when I release a new pattern or am having a sale, so generally you’ll only hear from me about once a month.


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I’m Liz and I'm a Scottish Knitwear designer! I design and write knitting patterns for accessories, produce tutorials and write about what I do!

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