Gràdh – Love and Cherish

A pair of socks with a textured diagonal stripe mirrored on each footRemember this stitch from Mànran? I told you you’d be seeing more of it! Gràdh is the second of my Socks in Love collection. This time the socks feature diagonal stripes going opposite ways on each foot, and circling the leg. Wear them as written to get vs where your feet meet, or swap them over for ^s. Gràdh means love or cherish, and is a gentle step up from Mànran. I’ve loved watching my testers finish their socks, and so many of them have said that they love the pattern as an alternative to vanilla socks!

The eBook is now up on Ravelry! It’s called Socks in Love and I’m expecting to have the whole collection done and published this summer/early autumn. Mànran and Gràdh are of course already available. Togair has been knit and I’m getting it written and ready for testing, I’m expecting to publish it at the end of June or beginning of July (with a shawl pattern coming between Gràdh and Togair). Dìleas is currently on my needles and I’ll be publishing it after Togair in July/August. The final pattern is Gaol and is likely to be out in August or September, but I’ll give you a more accurate timeline in a couple of months!

If you want to find out what I’m up to between blog posts you can keep an eye on what I’m up to on Instagram! If you’d like an exclusive 40% discount on future releases sign up to my newsletter – I only send out emails when I release a new pattern or am having a sale, so generally you’ll only hear from me about once a month.


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I’m Liz and I'm a Scottish Knitwear designer! I design and write knitting patterns for accessories, produce tutorials and write about what I do!

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