Breac a’ Mhuiltein – Dappled Skies

A crescent shaped shawl with a central lace mesh panel and two garter stitch sectionsThis is easily the pattern that has been the longest in development, but I hope you’ll agree that it was worth the wait! I ordered the yarn way back in July 2015 and cast on immediately. After knitting most of the first skein I took it off the needles to block it, decide if I wanted to use the second skein, and decide if it needed a border or edging. After blocking the shawl, still on a lifeline, was boxed up and moved houses three times before finally being put back on to the needles at the end of March this year. I finally finished it at the start of April! 

Breac a’ Mhuiltein is Scottish Gaelic meaning Dappled Sky, which is exactly what the lace section in the middle reminds me of – a sky with a smattering of cirrocumulus clouds across it (this photo is a perfect example). I’m so glad I picked this shawl up again and finished it, it’s now one of my favourite shawls and I know I’m going to be wearing it a lot this summer. It’s completely flexible in size – just  cast on and knit until you have used up most of your yarn and bind off. The pattern is easy to memorise and all the garter stitch leaves plenty of time for relaxing knitting – perfect for chatting while you knit on sunny summer days in the garden…

If you want to find out what I’m up to between blog posts you can keep an eye on what I’m up to on Instagram!


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I’m Liz and I'm a Scottish Knitwear designer! I design and write knitting patterns for accessories, produce tutorials and write about what I do!

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